Can you get me published?

Publishing is a tricky and fickle business. I cannot guarantee that I can get your book published, but I can provide you with informed guidance and advice that will help you to get your project into professional shape and give it the best chance possible.


I’ve just sold my novel, I can quit my day job now, surely?

Firstly, congratulations, that’s a great achievement. Secondly, I urge caution. The advance you have received is offset against the royalties your book may earn. So, say you got an advance of £10,000, your book now has to make that money back for the publisher before you see any of that sweet sweet royalty money. This can take a long time, and it’s a fact that many books don’t actually earn out their advance. Writing is wonderful, but it’s also a very difficult way to make a living.


I’ve written a novel, but I’m not sure what to do next. Can you help?

I can indeed. I can help edit your novel and refine it so that it’s in fighting form. I can then advise you on what the next best approach may be in getting your novel out into the world.

 How much do you charge?

I tailor my services to each individual project, but for the amount of experience and expertise I have, I believe my rates are very reasonable. Drop me a line and I can provide you with a full quote.